Whether it’s 20 minutes, an hour, or more, you can be a part of this great program by simply volunteering a little of your time. You can volunteer to run a scoreboard, assist with the operations of the concession stand, assist with admission gates, assist on the field by umpiring during baseball/softball and kickball, assist on the field by helping with the chains during football, or coming out to provide some assistance with any projects we may embark on.
If you’d like to volunteer as a coach, the results of your background check must be satisfactory with the Director, Officer Shelby Hunter.

The North Little Rock Police Athletic League always welcomes a helping hand, as volunteers are the backbone of this program. Simply email us at nlrpal@nlrpolice.org, message us via Facebook on our page (North Little Rock Police Athletic League) or click the button below and tell us where you’d like to pitch in! We’d greatly appreciate it.